Terms and Conditions

First class fee (non-refundable)

 A non-refundable fee for the first class is payable to confirm a place in any course. 


Program Fee:

Program fee is payable in advance monthly instalments as stated in the Class and Payment schedule that will be sent to all parents. All fees must be paid by the due date stated on the Class and Payment schedule.


Missed Lessons:

In case of missed lessons by a pupil the fee is still payable. The material used in the missed class will be provided in the next class. A brief recap may be done at the discretion of the tutor to help cover missed topics.


Cancelled Lessons:

In case a class is cancelled by the tutor then a substitute class will be arranged which may fall after the scheduled end date of the program. If such a class cannot be arranged a refund for the cancelled class will be given.


If Enrolment or Tuition is Terminated:

In the event of a child withdrawing from the course before the course commences, the First class fee will be retained and is not refundable. If a pupil is withdrawn part way through the month, full payment for that month is payable. Any other excess fees will be refunded.


If normal operation is prevented:

If social distancing or some similar regulation prevents normal operation at the tuition venue, the classes will be delivered via remote working. A switch to normal in-person classes will be made when the restrictions ease.